An S-class Adventurer, Banished as the Tank of the Party, Uses His “Slave Release” Skill to Build the Strongest Country in History!

An S-class Adventurer, Banished as the Tank of the Party, Uses His “Slave Release” Skill to Build the Strongest Country in History! Average 4.5 / 5 out of 3
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    Kabeyaku Nado Fuyou to Tsuihousareta S-kyuu Boukensha, Skill wo Kushi shite Shijou Saikyou no Kunizukuri/ 壁役など不要と追放されたS級冒険者、≪奴隷解放≫スキルを駆使して史上最強の国造り/ Um aventureiro classe-S que foi banido como tank da party, usa suas habilidades de “Libertação dos Escrav*s” para construir a nação mais forte da história.

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