"Goukon Aite wa Nikushoku Keikan Manga," also known as "My Blind Date is a Womanizing Cop," is an ongoing manga series released in 2019. It's written by Odorudokuringo with illustrations by Satori Momo. This manga falls under various genres such as Adult, Comedy, Ecchi, Josei, Mature, Romance, Slice of Life, and Smut.
The story revolves around Kyouko, a 26-year-old daycare employee, who feels left behind as everyone around her gets married. Feeling the pressure, she decides to attend a mixer after being invited by a colleague. There, she meets Yuusuke, a government employee who initially appears kind but reveals another side to his personality when drunk. As Kyouko finds herself drawn to him, she wonders if she'll let herself be swept away by his advances.
It's a tale of romance and self-discovery, as Kyouko navigates her desire for a meaningful relationship while grappling with her attraction to a seemingly wild cop.